Amiga Format CD 44
Amiga Format CD44 (1999-08-26)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-10].iso
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263 lines
* AMOS-MUI Hook stub code for assembler hooks & AMOS Procedure hooks *
* *
* This file is assemled to bank 14, and contains the code for hook which *
* call AMOS Procedures, and the initialisation & Finalisation code for *
* hooks which are implemented as assembler procedures. *
* NOTE: Set tab size to 16 to read properly.
* When your assember hook code is called:
* - Registers D2-D7/A2-A6 have been saved, and will be restored.
* - Registers A0/A1/D1 may be trashed safely
* - Register D0 is used to return values to MUI. Remember TRUE is 1, not -1
* - Register A0 contains a pointer to the start of your hook code.
* - Registers A1 & A2 are as defined in the MUI tag autodoc which calls
* your hook function. (Varies depending on why hook is called)
* - Register A3 contains a pointer to the global data area for all hooks.
* Currently:
* -4(A3) = Intuition Base (Also in A6)
* -8(A3) = AMOS Data Zone Address (Also in A5)
* (A3) = MUI Master Library Base
* 4(A3) = Used by AMOS Procedure hooks - leave alone
* 8(A3) = Used by AMOS Procedure hooks - leave alone
* Other offsets may be defined in the future.
* - Register A4 contains a pointer to the data area you passed to the
* _MUI_ASM_HOOK[ADR,D] procedure in the D parameter.
* - Register A5 contains the usual pointer to the AMOS Data zone.
* - Register A6 is preloaded with the base of the intuition library, for
* easy calling of GetAttr/SetAttrsA. There is no point in opening/closing
* intuition from the hook, as both AMOS & MUI always have it open anyway.
* DosBase,GfxBase,DiskFontBase,LayersBase can all be obtained from A5
* etc. Move.l DosBase(a5),a6, if you include the |AMOSPro_Includes.s from
* the extensions directory of AMOSPro_Tutorial.
* - Obviously the stack pointer (a7) must be left as it was found when your
* hook function quits.
* Since you code is loaded into AMOS, this means you cannot call domethod
* in amiga.lib since it would be in a second hunk. The following code
* is equivilent to domethod without error check (And is much faster :-)
* Initially, the object pointer must be in A2, and the taglist pointer in
* A1. It is important the A0,A1,A2,A3 all have these values.
; move.l -4(a2),a0
; move.l 8(a0),a3
; jsr (a3)
* Believe it or not, that's it (This was adapted from a bit of E code by
* Wouter van Oortmerssen).
* For those with out of data includes, include these 4 lines for inuition
* library calls to objects using taglists.
; _LVOSetAttrsA EQU -648 ;(A0 = Object, A1 = Taglist)
; _LVOGetAttr EQU -654 ;(D0 = Attribute Tag Value, A0 = Object,
; ; A1 = Address To Store Result)
; TAG_DONE EQU 0 ;To mark the end of some taglists (But not those
; ;in SetAttrsA, or DoMethod.
* Source for Bank 14
Incdir cde:prog/devpac/include/include/
Include libraries/mui.i
Include exec/exec_lib.i
* Structure of hook data area for hooks which are AMOS procedures.
* AMHD_User is a pointer to the users data area for the hook.
AMHD_Next equ 0
AMHD_ID equ 4
AMHD_A1 equ 8
AMHD_A2 equ 12
AMHD_D0 equ 16
AMHD_Task equ 20
AMHD_Signal equ 24
AMHD_User equ 28
* 4-Byte Jump Table
bra hook_prepcode ;Called By Assembler hooks to initialise
bra hook_callamos ;Called By AMOS hooks to wait
bra hook_getfirst ;Called By AMOS hook processor to get first hook to execute
bra hook_getnext ;Called By AMOS hook processor when it has finished excuting a hook
;to release the task that called the hook, and get the next to execute
* Global Hook Datazone
* The first three entires are initialised by the _MUI_INIT procedure
hook_prepdata dc.l 0 ;AMOS A5 goes here
dc.l 0 ;Intuiton Base goes here
dc.l 0 ;MUI Base goes here
hook_AMOSGlob dc.l 0 ;1st Waiting Hook Chain
dc.l 0 ;Last Waiting Hook
* Initialisation and
* Finalisation Code for
* assembler hooks.
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp) ;Store registers
move.l 16(a0),a4 ;Get hook data area
lea hook_prepdata(pc),a3 ;Get global data area
movem.l (a3)+,a5/a6 ;Setup A5/A6 values
move.l 12(a0),a0 ;Get hook code address
jsr (a0) ;Execute hook code
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6 ;Restore registers
rts ;Back to MUI
* Hook routine for all AMOS
* procedure hooks
* NOTE: This must be re-enterant code
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
lea hook_AMOSGlob(pc),a3
move.l 16(a0),a4 ;Get hook data
move.l a1,AMHD_A1(a4) ;Store registers
move.l a2,AMHD_A2(a4)
move.l #0,AMHD_Next(a4) ; Becomes last in list
;Now try to allocate any signal bit
moveQ #-1,d0
movem.l a3-4,-(sp)
CALLEXEC AllocSignal
movem.l (sp)+,a3-4
move.l d0,AMHD_Signal(a4) ; Store signal bit no.
bne.s .gotsignal
;If no signal bit could be allocated, make hook return
;immediately with false in D0. This will usually signal
;MUI to cancel whatever it was doing...
moveQ #0,d0
.gotsignal ;Now we have a signal bit, store the task calling the
;hook in the hook data_structure...
movem.l a3-4,-(sp)
move.l #0,a1 ;Task to find is itself
movem.l (sp)+,a3-4
move.l d0,AMHD_Task(a4);
;Now insert the current hook into the list of hooks for
;AMOS to process.
CALLEXEC Forbid ;Don't corrupt list
move.l (a3),d1
bne.s .notfirst
move.l a4,(a3)
move.l a4,4(a3)
bra.s .skip
.notfirst move.l 4(a3),a5
move.l a4,(a5) ;Set next pointer of waiting
move.l a4,4(a3)
;This hook is now in the waiting list, so wait on the
;signal bit allocated earlier. AMOS will then signal us
;when the hook procedure has been run.
move.l AMHD_Signal(a4),d0 ;Get Signal bit
move.l a4,-(sp)
.skip CALLEXEC Wait ;Wait for signal bit
move.l (sp),a4
move.l AMHD_Signal(a4),d0 ;Get Signal bit Again
move.l (sp)+,a4
move.l AMHD_D0(a4),d0 ;Get return value from AMOS
rts ;and return it to MUI
* These routines is called by AMOS to execute hooks that are AMOS procedures
movem.l a4-6,-(sp) ;Store AMOS Regs
lea hook_AMOSGlob(pc),a3
;First remove the current hook from the list of waiting
CALLEXEC Forbid ;No task switching
move.l (a3),a4 ;Get head of hook list
move.l (a4),d7 ;Get next in list
move.l d7,(a3) ;Update list pointer
;Now signal the task that called the current hook that it
;may continue.
move.l AMHD_Signal(a4),d0 ;Get signal bit
move.l AMHD_Task(a4),a1 ;Get signal task
movem.l (sp)+,a4-6 ;Restore AMOS Regs.
;Now hook_getnext runs straight into hook_getfirst...
lea hook_AMOSGlob(pc),a3
move.l 4(a3),d0
.another rts